I might lose my job this week

I'm part of a team of 2 tech people
We were hired as programmers. But over these past 10 months we've done everything from helpdesk to fixing network infrastructure, i setup a backup server for the company, started properly managing the companies passwords,and a host of other things not in my contract.
But my boss is changing the deadline again and she refuses to listen to anyone's concerns, she doesn't understand the complexity of what she wants and since the best we've done so far can be considered at best a prototype in my opinion shes going to be disappointed

So at the next meeting me and my coworker are going to politely list our grivences point out all shes had us do at the same time and the impossible deadlines.

I've seen herpitch a fit for less so I'm fully prepared to be fired in rage in which case I'll compile the documentation and information on what we've done to email her.

But I'm pretty sure she won't find anything long term for the 40k salary shes expecting. Especially with how slow she is to do work herself. I was supposed to be on company health insurance since October 2020

In a way I'm kinda relieved at the potential of being fired.

  • 8
    So you're basically generic IT admins there?

    Based on your story, changing the workplace might be the best for you even if you won't be fired.
  • 6
    @iiii agreed. @jester5537 what you just described is called “being taken advantage of” or “being misused” or even “being bullied” and I’ve been in your shoes. The hunt should begin yesterday. There are people who will pay you more to put up with less.
  • 0
    Is it running on cloud? I mean your company uses cloud for whole the services? If yes, just do some automation since infrastructure as code is existed. Peace✌️
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