My Senior Just asked me not to copy from stack exchange and his wife (Also my senior) suggested to copy from stack exchange to reduce work load. Wtf I am supposed to do🥲

  • 15
    pin them against each other. Stop waiting to become the villain you were meant to be. Go ahead and grab that shit, be that shit, don't just think and talk about it esse, BE ABOUT IT.

    Now go *slaps butt* go be the homewrecker we want you to be.
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    Your senior (m) seems to be not solution oriented..
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    I'm puzzled by this...what are they respective explanations? Why is copying from SO bad? And, how can be good, reading and copying SO it's actually quit time consuming, compared to being able to solve problems by yourself.
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    @willcandy I don't copy unless and untill i am stuck af.
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    Listen to women. In the end they're always somehow right, even when not.
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    Listen to the Wife. ALWAYS!
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    Add this variable in your code and do the hell you want: pleaseSolveYourDiscrepencesAtHome
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    Fuck his wife, then copy from SO. Find a new job. Then tell your boss his wife cheated on him.
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    Copy from stack exchange, but change the variables names.
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    @fsousa I do the same😂
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    If you are being explicitly asked not to copy code, I'd wonder how obvious it is that you are doing so.

    By all means, you should copy good code examples, but you should ensure you understand it and that you adapt it to your unique working environment. It should not be your first resort to look for existing examples to copy and paste into your work, you should try and solve the problem yourself and then look up solutions to issues when they stump you. You should also be working within the coding standards and best practices of your team that are often at a higher level than a piece of random code from the internet. You shouldn't need a senior to tell you that. If a senior expects you to not use the resources you have at hand, such as the internet and Stack Overflow, then that should be questioned also.
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    @AaronUponEarth Na I don't usually copy unless I am stuck af, Also They said these in there individual orientation sessions.
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    @pablochocobar So pretty inconsistent messaging then, but if it was said back in orientation, then maybe just forget about it and do what you think is best until it is possibly brought up. Induction processes and new starter orientations can often be a bit of an afterthought in teams so you can probably take it with a pinch of salt.
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    Something similar happened with me too. One senior asked me to refer with another senior WHENEVER IN DOUBT and not waste time, whereas when i ask something to the other one, he asks me to quit asking questions and figure out. I was completely new to that thing and had to finish that within 3 hrs.
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