I need a room to scream. Fuckin fuck every asshole cunt who sees shit code and decides its ok to write more shit code rather than fix it, absolute fuckin cunts

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    You ok?
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    To both you, and often my future self who inherit my code, I'm sorry.

    I was in a hurry, under a stupid deadline, and deeply deeply depressed.

    But, if you fix it, future self, then the next time around I'll inherit good code.
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    @HiFiWiFiSciFi i get that, but i spent most of this sprint fixing stuff and making it better, dont get me wrong i fuck up some times too, but if something is clearly off i try to fix it at least to my standards but wat i dont expect is that a junior dev writes some shit and the senior dev goes well nothing wrong with that ill jus do wat hes doing
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    IMHO ppl should be allowed to write messy code if they are in a hurry, but only if their tech leads require them to fix their shits before working on other stuffs
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    @antran22 av been there, so i would disagree cause youre almost always ina hurry so u might never get a chance to go back, or by the time you do other ppl will have to deal with your shit.
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    @FranzFerdinand then it should be the tech leads' faults for not enforcing code review.
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    I feel you. Been assigned a project for 2 months now and the entire time has either been cobbling together some documentation or literally rewriting code to be more readable and maintainable.

    The amount of shit code I've seen in the past 2 months is just hell and I have at least another 2-3 months to go. Everything from the data models to controllers and the ejs pages need to be cleaned up and replaced or have a fucking extreme makeover code edition.
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    @antran22 you may not be able to refactor the old code if you are really in hurry but its not an excuse for writing new bad code. Writing bad code actually takes more time than writing clean, readable code because of code maintenance.
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    Also to be honest, most of the hard to read codes I've ever come across actually had really simple working principle, but the writers was just really having to abuse the language syntactic sugars.

    Have you ever came across a python function consisting of a single line spanning 200 characters across, all of them are just list and dict comprehension expressions.
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    Just chill man!! Go to sleep, have some heathy food and drink then solve it by asking Google 🤓
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