
So, it’s ALL about money, eh?

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    Not just money. Status also plays a part.
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    @rantsauce Higher the status, more the money. No?
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    @Cyanide Yeah. They seem to go hand in hand.
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    And drugs
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    Use the money to get the drugs. Use the drugs to get the status.
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    @rantsauce @Cyanide but at least 80% money. And without the moneys, you can't do anything. That's why you should never talk about money. Never talk about things that actually decide if you're able to be alive or not.
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    @HiFiWiFiSciFi instructions unclear. I ascended after mixing all the drugs. My life expectancy may be halved, but I can see everything now.

    Gender is just a perfect name for a clownfish,
    Covid is just a government plan to find a master for our remote dnd sessions
    Elon musk is not human, he is a sentient dogecoin wallet.

    It is all so clear...
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    @theabbie Money buys drugs.
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    The hedonist in me says the end goal is pleasure.

    There are 3 factors which seem to lead to pleasure, and they are synergistic with each other.

    1. We revere fame, because it attracts people who serve our pleasure, hoping for a trickle down effect.

    2. We revere status, because luxury directly provides pleasure.

    3. We revere fortune because it buys food, drinks, drugs, sex and other methods of pleasuring yourself.

    Big fan of utilizing fame, fortune and status for physical pleasure.

    But it's important to not forget about purely psychological forms of pleasure. Gaining knowledge or skill for no other sake than stimulating the brain. Social interactions, not to impress, network or manipulate, but just for a good deep conversation. Creating art, just because you enjoy the ritual or the aesthetic value 🤷‍♀️

    I realize I sound like a hippie right now, but I'd advocate for a healthy balance.

    You know, have a good deep conversation about philosophy, during a drunken doggystyle fuck.
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