
Or stock markets are dropping, bonds are dropping, gold is dropping... What isn't dropping...

Bitcoins also dropped...

  • 9
    What isn’t dropping? Your pants.
  • 1
    Real estate?
  • 0
    @spongessuck Not in my home town, that's fo shizzle.
  • 0
    @petergriffin I actually just came out of the shower...
  • 0
    @donuts You’re showering with clothes? I like you that way.
  • 0
    @petergriffin no I took them off so that was dripping too. Try again?
  • 2
    Bitcoin and gold have one thing in common: they aren't really immediately useful. Their value is mostly collective mass hallucination.

    The difference is that a lot more people have been killed over gold than over Bitcoin, and that's a good reason why trusting in gold is dead serious.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop I thought gold was used in electronics? But yes bitcoins not useful at all except it's supposed to be scarce
  • 2
    @donuts Yeah it is, but that's a minor share, and it's regained because the price allows re-extracting it. Most of the gold was lying underground, has been extracted with insane effort, sold, and then is stashed underground again (in safes).

    Silver is somewhat different because it has very interesting, anti-bacterial properties, and is "used up", but the silver market is much smaller and more volatile than the gold market.

    Both are heavily manipulated by paper metal, i.e. contracts where the "buyer" doesn't expect real metal, and the "seller" doesn't have any. They are actually just having an argument on whether the price is going to fall or rise.
  • 2
    What's not dropping? The price of fucking ammo. What used to cost $0.30 is now like $1 😭😭😭😭
  • 3
    @Stuxnet When delusional people start to demand your fucking house because people of your colour of skin whom you had nothing to do with had done bad things to people of their colour of skin whom they had nothing to do with, you better have enough ammo to settle the argument.
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop I'd like to think I have enough, but in terms of ammo, there's no such thing as enough lol
  • 1
    The cost of living, for one.
  • 0
    My shit. Constipated as fuck.
    My workload. Jira also constipated as fuck.
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