
So my wife started learning coding and web development. I am quite impressed how fast someone can learn it (she started from scratch, with No knowledge before)

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    coding as in html/css/js ?
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    She is building websites in HTML and CSS. Also coding some PHP
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    @Linux impressive, some people have a natural aptitude for it, as with anything really, some can, others teach😄.
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    It is really, she started two weeks ago
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    Kudos man but, I mean, it is html we're talking about.
    It would be surprising if she didn't pick it up in 2 weeks..
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    @Linux coding some php ... you sure you love your wife mate ?
    true lovers don't let their loved ones write php, make her learn JavaScript instead, or ruby/python for backend, cgi is easy to use in both, and cgi explains better to a beginner how a web app actually works
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    As long as it is not Wordpress or any crap like that, I am proud.
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    @Linux WordPress : i crei everiteim
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    Even My old grandma can create as site in wp
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    With the recent frameworks and some of the modifications brought by php7, PHP is actually getting quite decent.

    I can't wait for people to pickup its data structure API and ditch its horribly inconsistent array API.

    Besides, depending on her hosting or development environment, other options than PHP might not be available or highly limited.
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    She has me, I do the backend work :)
    I am working for a hostingprovider
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    @paulwillyjean local servers are easy to set up (at least for him)
    I'm seeing php catching up slowly (on arch i use 7.1) but it's still lightyears behind anything else, it just feels a lot organic and unplanned, and at times the fact that it's a C api cgi wrapper is so apparent, like the way to read stdin or the way to send an http request, or to manipulate images using gd extension. php is only popular because it abstracts away the details of hosting a webapp, i will only feel better about it when it's a rewrite with all that's been learned in the previous versions, and fucking ditch all the awkward api and inconsistencies
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    Hear hear! I recently did a web development project in Java 8 and while Java servlets still confused the hell out of me, I literally cried tears of joy when I discovered its new Stream API and its functional interfaces.
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