
1. take a screen shot of the desktop (wallpaper and icons)
2. take all icons and put them in a folder
3. set the screen shot as the wallpaper
4. hide the folder containing all the icons in the wallpaper
5. hide the task bar

My stupid TL was fighting for 20 min before begging me to fix my prank

  • 8
    Right click -> Desktop Symbols -> Hide symbols
  • 1
    @Kimmax In windows? Have never seen that option in all my 20± years with computers and windows
  • 2
    Also first inverse the wallpaper, and then the screen. And change keyboard to qwerty.
  • 6
    @nocgod absolutely. Right click on desktop. Same place where you choose if the symbols should snap to the grid and the icon size in general
  • 1
    I did same to my professor in university and ask her my computer is not working please fix it for me. 😂
  • 0
    @Kimmax damn! You've just improved my mischief :-)
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