From Sarah Connor Chronicles, 2008: "They used to think that 12 nanometer scale was impossible. The circuits are so tiny, you're all but in the quantum realm. It's the most sophisticated processor on earth. If you could take your memories, your consciousness, everything that makes you a person, turn it into pure data, and download it onto a machine, that chip could run it."

I'm watching the DVD on a quadcore Ryzen APU that is built in 12nm, and it was already outdated when I bought it last year. I guess I better download myself to my laptop because that's a 7nm Ryzen.

  • 10
    These days the memories and forgotten things, consciousness and subconsciousness, and everything that makes them a human and not humane, are collected from every person in the world and processed on said pieces of sand.
  • 7
    @electrineer I wonder whether some NSA folks informally refer to their stuff by the nickname of Skynet.
  • 8
    @Fast-Nop they don't... mostly because they wait for their systems to call themselves skynet before they initiate emergency shutdown...
  • 3
    @electrineer well not everything, only small essence. We’re still at the beginning of human life digitalization.

    We need far more storage space to know everything and more progress with iot and 5g networks.

    Keeping people at home helps cause we can track virtual interactions but what’s happening at home we’re still limited by robot vacuum cleaners and smart speakers.
    We don’t know when they’re taking dump, what meals they prepare and how, how long they sleep and most important when they fuck to determine reproduction potential.

    It’s all coming, we just need to be patient and obey the rules !
  • 1
    Thanks for info!
  • 3
    @vane I'd say it's already possible to interpolate all those things and also things that the person themselves has no idea about. Whether it happens is another thing.
  • 1
    @electrineer It solely depends on tech industry freedom. The more freedom it have the faster we will get there.
  • 1
    @Nanos I think that in the moment you upload yourself you will be enslaved by your family without your awareness. Memories will be first things that people will store.
    Like those living pictures or cloned voices.
    So basically your life will be switched on and off multiple times during the day like tv.
  • 1
    Confirmed: Coronavirus = Skynet
  • 1
    I look forward to the ship-of-theseus style take-over. Like, what will be the definition and boundary of human consciousness be when we start to integrate neural implants? You know, not just for people who are brain damaged, but for enhanced language or math skills for example? What is a 'mind' when you can access chip-stored memories as readily with a "flick of thought" as easily as you would access ordinary memories?
  • 4
    The series is still right as it is from 2008. Up to 2009 everything was measured and verified. Anything after is just marketing. They can say they have a 0nm prosess if they want.

    Point in case Intel's 10nm process actually has a higher transistor density than 7nm from TSMC (AMD). The creative shit AMD does with the Zen cores is what makes it great. Not the fictional number game.
  • 0
    Some of us do.
  • 2
    @scor Do what, download your consciousness to Ryzen CPUs, or refer to NSA projects by the nickname of Skynet? ^^
  • 1
    Yes, refer to projects with conscious names.
    Like T-3000, Hal, where it may fit well.
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