Did an interview and got some feedback and my coding challenge (I didn't make the cut) . Was surprised at a particular comment on why it was I didn't make the cut and it was about the code not compiling atall. So I went to check the repo and found some code which I oath to have removed lodged into the code base which prevented the reviewer from being able to compile it. How tf it wasn't flagged out when I was compiling before pushing to the repo is beyond me. Now I feel hella stupid and disappointed in myself 🤦🏾‍♀️ (to be fair it wasn't the only reason I didn't make the cut. The code could have being better)

  • 2
    Ah, we all have our interview screwups. I've had the fair share of mine too. It's a facepalm moment, but move on, learn from it and you'll find something else 👍
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