Someone bought a domain just for this? He must be rich!

  • 5
    Cool though
  • 3
    Also, it’s not accurate. What if I was actually *looking* for GutHib.com? Don’t assume we’re all obsessed with GitHub.
  • 3
    It's no small feat to botch up the markup even on such a simple website.
  • 2
    He must be rich?! Where do you ship for domains?! Think the last one I got was £60 or so for 10 years.
  • 2
    @AlmondSauce well in my country it is expensive to get ".com" domain tho.
  • 2
    Squat a very similar domain & cname or redirect to the main domain while collecting visitor data.
    Typos etc.

    Then use that as a vector to sell that domain & flip a profit.
    The data can also be sold to 3rd parties
  • 2
    @lotd some researcher did the same and managed to collect lots of logins and passwords.
  • 1
    Never thought about having 31 tabs in mobile browser.
  • 1
    @r20408e122449d pythong FTW lol
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