
FUCK OFF. It's 2 days before a deadline, I'm wearing headphones and clearly focused and you have the fucking audacity to interrupt me because you're fucking bored? Go light yourself on fire you fucking cunt

  • 2
    @port22 Please do more rants!
  • 2
    That's why an single 🙂
  • 2
    Some men just want to watch their coworkers burn
  • 1
    There is this sink with hatred towards pms, pmos and other interruptors. Once its all full, the hateredncannot stay in place anylonger. The devlelper starts to see beyond , he starts to understand the human nature. He can manipulate others to his will, and then comes day when developers manipulates his pmo, to make him sandwitch and the rightious king returns to sit on the throne.

    Dreams only , no tears.....
  • 1
    You should use a microphone with audacity, tho...
  • 1
    Read the rant in an Aussie accent. Like Ozzyman reviews.
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