I am starting to get really annoyed by shitty devs and tech leads from other teams that ask me to fix urgently a "problem" with my project they rely on, but turns out they did not even debug the fucking thing in the first place to understand where the problem comes from.

Turns out someone used the wrong parameters on his duct taped jenkins CI and instead of finding the reason for the failure, he just assumed my code did not work.

This is the last time I'm helping you fucks before a release while I am on holidays in my country. Worst thing is you guys are paid twice my salary in US dollars but you still can't code and debug for shit.

How about telling me truth when I asked you guys if everything was working fine before I took my vacations? Do you fucking test your shit for fuck's sake? Nah you guys just suck ass.

I will turn off my computer when off work from now on and uninstall slack and emails from my cell phone. These guys are not competent enough to use those tools properly.

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    "Oops didn't work on the first try. Should I spend 10 minutes of ky tine reading the docs, or waste 10 minutes of other person's time?"

    Privileged shit
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    @eo2875 and you would assume SDETs (people in this case and in mine) people would be masters at debugging issues, but blaming others is easier I guess lol.
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    In our industry buzzwords like "cooperation" and "team work" and "helping others grow" are just cover up for "I'm fixing it for you" and "handle this incompetent guy giving him less chances to break things" etc.

    Worst case, if your really point someone's incompetence, it will be you who will be charged with bad attitude.

    My tolerance for dumb fucks, clumsiness and incompetence ended few weeks ago.
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