When I'm trying to find resource to setup react-toolbox with react using same keyword in google for past 3 hours ....(google removed me from human being list to bot list)

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    HAAHAA! I know your IP address now.... I will find you, and I will kill you! Lol, joking. Srsly tho, thats a bad idea. You should delete this post.
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    @retnikt I agree with you. But he is probably not using a static IP. So restarting the internet connection should make him safe xD
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    @aurghyadip you would think, but dynamic IP addresses from your ISP don't change nearly as frequently as one might hope. I know mine hasn't changed in a few months. Even when I renew the DHCP lease I get the same IP again.
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    @sylar182 my ISP changes my IP a lot. Almost every time I log out and log back in.
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    This happens to me every time I use google, I always use duckduckgo, but if I cant find anything useful I try bing and google. And mostly the same keywords over and over.
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    It's ok.
    He is from India, I'm sure the ISP providing dynamic IP address, so no worries.
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