
Hi! I'm new at .html coding, currently working on a website. However, I want to learn game development (mobile and pc), if anyone is a professional game developer, or web developer, hit me up if you like and I'll get back to you ASAP.

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    Not a professional game or web developer but would likely to give you some tips:-
    1) You cannot make any responsive website using HTML only
    2) You should learn JavaScript (Vanilla JavaScript means pure JavaScript that an html page itself can execute) or NodeJS (other type of JavaScript) but plz don't learn Flask(I am telling with my personal experience)

    For game development:-
    1) If you have a low end pc, try learning Godot else go with unity or unreal
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    Profesional web developer here, head of my department: Use freecodecamp

    That is one of the best introductions I can provide
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    @Eklavya Hi! I know how to add hyperlinks, buttons leading to different pages, and pretty much the basics for a website. I don't know .Html only, it's what I mainly know.
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    Average web developer and 6x failed indie game developer here.

    Unity is great! But I have a better suggestion:

    just work at McDonald's..

    And put ur paycheck into hiring third world labor at a fraction of the cost! :D

    Be the pain you wish to see in others. Or something like that. I think gandhi said that?
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    @codecrow Lol 😂
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