
Dear Tailwindcss,

Fuck you.

Fuck you and your messy as fuck html files.

Fuck your shitty pseudo 90s 'Let's dump all our shit in a single html file'.

Fuck your claims of being responsive, most of your widths and heights are done in FUCKING PIXELS.

Fuck your claims of being flexible, adding a 10% width class took 20 minutes of scrolling through your shitty docs.

And the worst part is, the poor devs 4 years from now are gonna be stuck maintaining this goddamn shit because shitty enterprise companies desperately trying to stay relevant are treating this shit like the Holy God of Frontend styling, the solution to CSS once and for all


Tailwind can go fuck itself with it's 200 character html lines

  • 2
    You know that you can change those px values into em/rem values.

    width-[10%] there, 20 minutes "wasted". alternatively you could just do it in config, width-0.10

    anyway, I agree that if somebody does not understand css he/she should not use such framework.

    I also don't like the lockin but honestly it is so productive and easy to udjust that it overhelm other issues. With current mode "jit" it is speedy as well.

    Don't know what your problem is, but for sure tailwindcss is not your problem. Sounds like people who did the work problem.

    I personaly don't use tailwindcss defaul unit 2 4 6 8 10.etc because it is stupid to need to calculate in head, that is why you have config file and can change it to text-16 for text of 16px size or text-1.2 for that sweet text of 1.2rem size.

    to use dot in your config you need to change the resolver regex tho.
  • 3
    I tried pure css, less, sass, styles in js bem, bootstrap etc and anything in between and I like tailwindcss the most. If you have 15 css declaration in htlm, you might want to abstract some of that.
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    Just write it yourself.
  • 1
    Tailwind should Fuck you
    I prefer it more than Bootstrap
  • 0
    Totally agree, tailwind makes html classes incredibly long resulting in poor readability. I like clean code, especially in html.

    This is the main reason why I don't touch tailwind.
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    Thats a lot of F words 😆
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    Reading this, gives me the impression that you have never really used either CSS or TailwindCSS.

    Yes, the HTML looks messier with Tailwind!

    However - in my opinion - this solution is still way better than the traditional way of writing CSS classes.

    Their documentation is actually really good if you know CSS - just search for the property and the customization is right below the examples for all variations of this property. But if you don't even know much about regular CSS then I can see why you are confused.

    Keep studying before ranting about topics that are too "high level" for you.
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    @dstm tailwind is still shit.
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    @cervantes01 Trust me, try it for a small project!

    Designing websites is so much faster with tailwind!

    At some point one has to adapt either a design component system (Material, Ant Design, ...) or a design utility library (bootstrap, tailwind).

    Writing custom CSS gets so messy in production. Not while you are building it, but at the point when you have to change something after a few months of not working on the project.
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