
Does smoking count?

... I get stressed! ¯\_(ใƒ„)_/¯

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    Oh, and also, don't know when to quit.
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    @NoMad My beautiful flower garden of neuroses .... ;)

    Just throw the cigarettes away and don't start again.
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    @IntrusionCM nicotine or orgasms. I'll need at least one. ๐Ÿ˜›
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    @NoMad nah.

    You just haven't found an alternative yet.
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    @IntrusionCM coke, heroine and weed don't really interest me. (although... cocaina comes with weight loss benefits iirc)
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    @NoMad I talked about hobbies.

    No drugs. I know... Hard to imagine right?
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    @IntrusionCM hobbies... Like ... Orgasm?

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    @rutee07 is a "toyboy" one of those? ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ
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    I meant stuff like gardening, knitting, painting, cooking, embroidery, playing games....

    *rolls eyes*
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    @IntrusionCM ... I'll take a pass. Something with adrenaline maybe?

    (Footnote: I'm too broke for any such thing. So I guess not even that.)
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    @NoMad Why are you broke?

    Adrenaline... I think you need less and more "Zen". Relax... Everything's gonna be fine.

    How about a foot massage?
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    @IntrusionCM I'm broke because Aussie govt is shit and they're rubbing me off of money.

    Also, foot massage should feel good, but I'd need a full wax before anybody touches any part of me. (long story)
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    P.S. also, adrenaline is good. It literally makes me feel alive. And less stressed. (Dunno why)
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    @NoMad because you're stressed out already. Your system is most likely running at tolerance level and that little high is necessary to feel "normal".

    And I guess the long story is in short: life fucked me. XD
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    Imagine you are so stressed that you are smoking and having an orgasm at the same time. Wouldn’t that be a dream!
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    @Cyanide nope. That'd just be messy and potentially a fire hazard. ๐Ÿคจ
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    @NoMad Come on gal, I am trying to release your stress here, think positive ffs!

    Smoking + orgasm = aaaaaaaaaaaah
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    @Cyanide I'm having food poisoning while being locked up by the govt in the name of quarantine. ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฌ

    Positivity is really not my thing right now.
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    @NoMad Okay, okay, I understand. No country is better or worse in this pandemic. All are fucked up in their own way except few. But you gotta go for the positive, still!

    Let’s start small and in control: one puff and a little fingering?
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    @Cyanide I'd punch the positivity out of you if I could get my hands on you right now. ๐Ÿ˜ก
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    @NoMad You won’t because you are not a bad person.
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    @Cyanide But I might.

    Cause I'm a bad person.

    @NoMad Can I have some fun and joy with our new shiny toy?
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    @IntrusionCM sure, just don't break him ๐Ÿ˜œ
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    @NoMad the "no break it" part is quite a bummer :(
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    @NoMad Rock climbing (if/when it opens again where you are) can be both cheap and somewhat adrenaline fuelled. At least I find that if I fall off before the rope catches me, which is, err, frequently.
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