When you apply for a job, what is your top-selling sales pitch?

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    “I can make shit work”
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    @petergriffin this would turn me off hiring you. No insult meant though.
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    "I'm too slow and lazy to really get away with anything... and if push came to shove you could probably catch me as I'm not very fast."
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    "My hobbies are programming".
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    shouldnt it be "here's my portfolio"?
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    One that sounds as little like a sales pitch as possible, i.e. not artificial.
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    For anyone not old enough, "the boys from the blackstuff"
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    None. Never needed one.
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    Personality, a good charisma and people skills take mfkers a long way, the credentials speak for themselves and I have recommendations.

    My sales pitch is more of a social engineering play than anything else.

    I am also eye candy 😘 that helps too
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    I am a magician
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    Your a wizard, @jak645.
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    Sales pitch?! I'm a dev, I just answer questions honestly and to the best of my ability - I then try to think of some interesting and revealing questions to ask. I ain't here to sell myself, and I'd probably just sound desperate if I did.

    I leave the sales pitch to the sales and marketing guys. Winging it by spouting BS is more their department, anyway.
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    @bad-frog Good point. Haha.
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    @AlmondSauce @AlmondSauce If you're going to be a consultant, you'd need a sales pitch. Even so, you live in a world full of competition, so how are you going to distinguish yourself by appearing normal?
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    @CaptainRant I distinguish myself by my experience, my qualifications, my ability to answer interview questions correctly & concisely (as much as I can), succinctly explain my abilities, and equally my ability to *ask* interesting questions as well as answer them.

    None of that requires a sales pitch. I've been in interviews where devs give an uninvited sales pitch of their career so far, why they're amazing, why we'd be stupid not to hire them, etc. - it's the most egotistical and off putting thing going.
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    "I speak three languages"
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    @thirdworld LoL, that's too common. My friend speaks 7.
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    @CaptainRant not in a third world, tell you that mutch
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    @AleCx04 this guy gets it.
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    @CaptainRant imaginary friends don't count.
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