Based on the current trend of show-your-workspace pictures doing the rounds, let me ask this...

How important is your workspace to you, specifically in an office environment, i.e. type of setup, amount of desk space, open plan/cubicle/office, number of colleagues on your proximity, noise pollution, etc., to your overall productivity and performance? And have you/are you able to do anything about?

  • 2
    The most important factor for me is the atmosphere as it very much is the difference between a good and bad job.
  • 4
    I need a lot of space on my desk and noise isn't really an issue because I always use headphones. Constant distractions by coworkers however really slow me down.
  • 1
    @nblackburn Care to elaborate?
  • 5
    If I enjoy the project I can work in a snowstorm or Sahara desert but optimal:
    Low light or just sunlight from window.
    Less voice pollution the better. Can easily go a day without speaking.
    Do not need a lot of desk space. Relaxed dress code.
    Good tools.
  • 2
    @GinjaNinja Sure, if you have have a team that doesn't click or a bad person in your team it can significantly impact the overall atmosphere of the workplace dragging the happiness of employees with it.
  • 1
    Whether or not I can prop my feet up on something
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