1. Purchased GTA San Andreas from Google Play
2. Always got a download failure at 85% downloaded.
3. Contacted Google support, got asked how my day was going
4. Had no idea how to answer that

  • 7
    "Pretty shitty because I want to play GTA."
  • 6
    Same thing happened to me.

    I called about Play Music, and while my phone was restarting the OP asked me how my day was going.

    My response was: Hubba wubba bluuuba, *ahem* it's going well.
  • 4
    @AnonymousGuy Honesty is good. I should have considered this.
  • 1
    @poster983 Sir you are a nice guy, I can tell.
  • 1
    @AnonymousGuy Haha thanks, made my day
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  • 3
    This is the worst question to get asked by support. If I am calling support then I have had much better days. Instead they should ask "how can I make your day better?"
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  • 1
    I think it's a nice thing, we've been conditioned by the years of caked on layers of

    "Press 1 to be rerouted to another options menu, press 2 to be rerouted to a different options menu... Press 10 to speak to a real human being who might be able to solve your problems..."

    And when you do finally get a human the classic:

    "*Sigh* just let me put you on hold"

    When they stop and actually ask how your day is going, just remember we've become cynical, bitter bastards and our response to someone being nice to use has become "die"!
  • 0
    @nmunro I knew he was just being nice. So I didn't say anything unpolite. But at that time, I felt it was usually not a very good day when someone needed support.
  • 2
    @hoggchan Yeah, I get that, I mean it's still better than them just being rude. I guess different perspectives, I always feel less shitty after talking to them vs other tech support lines.

    I mean we've all had shitty tech support, but I just feel like they didn't resent me as a customer, I guess is what I'm trying to express, badly.
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