
Trying to decide how to spend my weekend, continue to learn node.js and angular.js OR learn vim OR work on side project...to many choices not enough time

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    Node/angular. But that's just me cause I already know the others. =p
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    Make the side project in node/angular?
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    FWIW: @trostik made an angular project using the devrant api on github. I've been playing with that to sharpen my angular skills . :)
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    @trostik That'd be awesome. I may have gone crazy and implemented comments and full threads in a modal, but I figured I'd see if you'd accept the first one before just throwing something else in the mix, haha.
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    Use vim to write a node/angular project?

    vimtutor is a good place to start and vimawesome.com is your source of all thing vim, from themes to plugins.
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    How about go out with your friends?
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    @trostik Sweet! You shouldn't have done that though, because now there's another PR. At least the OP knows what I've done with my weekend, lol.
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