
For some reason my router has a telnet-based command line control panel.

  • 1
    Of course that's a feature. BUT for god sake change the default password.
  • 2
    @drRoss I did change it. Obviously.

    @T-Hammer I use Termux.
  • 2
    Aaand found a security problem...

    I ran "ps" and saw that it ran "sh -c ps". So then I ran "ps ; sh" and it worked. I really hope the telnet thing isn't internet-facing.

    Edit: every user has uid 0. Eek.
  • 0
    Mine has ssh , its a tplink with openwrt firmware. :-)
  • 0
    Mine has telnet access too

    The Last time I tried to use it the router crashed and rebooted, though :/
  • 0
    From a marketing standpoint, I believe it is preferable to call it what it is, so that it is apparent what this dashboard is for. These people, for example, dubbed them. mmcgbl
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