If you can't convince them, confuse them!

  • 9
    Well you need +1s to get a avatar.
    Here's what you do:
    1. Repeatedly rant saying PHP is bad
    2. Repeat step 1
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    @salvator only 2 rant per hour
  • 1
    @sbimochan I guess there's no limit on comments.
  • 1
    @salvator @sbimochan That idea isn't gonna work..
  • 1
    I guess that has been done just too many times now.
  • 3
    I used to use this strategy in my undergrad days to pass the exams.
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    There was an ops manager who used this tactic (possibly unknowingly) whenever we tried to offer suggestions of how to do something. Usually he would spit out the acronyms of some antiquated standard or technology, or even some that he had made that weren't well known at all. And if we didn't know them, he would just write us off. It sucked. Super smart dude, but didn't seem to have tolerance for others trying to learn. Seemed to expect everyone to understand everything at his level.
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    @tytho K 😛
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    @rayanon k 😛
  • 0
    I wish I could upvote this more than once 😂😂
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    And tell them its an algo
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    This is so true for so many things.

    Every time I need to order something for work, using their funds, I have to convince the (I don't know the name for it in English so imma just call it "purchases department") purchases department why I need it and why specifically it and not something like it.

    Once the first attempt fails I begin throwing phrases at them and they get all like "Uh.. o..OK now I understand".

    I fucking love the feeling.
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