Beer that tastes like banana is a sin against humanity

  • 5
    I think that violates the Geneva convention
  • 0
    There are many exceptions from it. For example glyphosat.
  • 0
    @stop glyphosat.


    What do you eat?

  • 2
    Thank you, Belgians.

    @domfoo no violation there, you just need the right yeast... although cane sugar may contribute...
  • 0
    @IntrusionCM glyphosat is allowed since its used for hops and cant be removed from it. Its even measurable in most german beers.
  • 0
    What beer have you been drinking that tastes banana?
  • 0
    But Jack Daniel's that tastes like apple is the savior from such sins
  • 0
    Is this a euphemism for "dick" beer.
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