I forgot to cd out of home and I rm -rf *

  • 4
    With great force comes great responsibility.
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    oh shit. yeah that is a downside of linux being so efficient in file io... if you type the wrong command in just the right directory, damage beyond compare.
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    So effective!! Took me about 5 seconds to realise my mistake. After ctrl c it, these were the results: level 1 files were not deleted, most recent folders were gone, that's downloads, documents, images and desktop. I don't know what else was deleted but Dolphin (I use Kubuntu) glitched like what happens when you reload the compositor or do a kwin --replace. I mkdir the folders and Dolphin worked again, but the thanos effect had already been done
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    @geneticCode yep ye olde bash is unforgiving

    You might try to protecting your most important files by turning on the sticky bit. I forget the chmod string but once set you literally can’t delete these files without unsetting it
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    @JustThat I guess you could just alias one to the other to force it into your habit, though you should probably learn to actually just use -f, because next time you're not on a machine with that alias set up it's gonna fuck you up again
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    @Tonnoman0909 maybe a script that calls you a retard when you specify -rv *
    He could rebuild rm or bash with
    An exception
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    @MadMadMadMrMim perfect
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