Question for devs:
How are y’all handling copy changes in your app? What’s ur process? Do you put up a PR for every small copy change or do you use a special tool or something?

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    @devjesus like the texts in the app, instructions etc.
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    @darrenrahnemoon documentation? Strings/text?
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    @alexbrooklyn ah sorry I should’ve bern more clear lol
    User facing texts in the app.

    Are all of those texts hardcoded in the app or do you use an external localization tool?
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    @darrenrahnemoon I mean I think it tends to depend on whether alot of localization is being added to the app but normally strings get added as properties or hardcoded resources in general....

    were you think of scenarios where they get stored externally in like a csv or xml file or something like that ?

    normally people code them in or plop them in a resources table in the case of ms proggies.
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