Fucking Django is the only project thaat claims to be for perfectionist but actually is a steaming pile of spaghetti code, data transfer objects, configuration objects and useless wrappers and shit. I mean this shits made by adults with computer science degrees how the fuck can they get that shit so wrong?

  • 3
    So you haven’t seen springboot?
  • 1
    Come to the Drupal hell my friends
  • 0
    Aren't all frameworks like that?
  • 2
    Probably BECAUSE they have computer science degrees.
  • 0
    What is wrong with DTOs?

    (Also check out Laravel; that is one giant pile of pretentious shit for "web artisans")
  • 1
    what is the issue? every app is compartmentalized inside of their own folder structure since Python does not have the nuances of other more established oop languaches such as C# and/or Java.

    From within you have the entire suite of Django libraries at your command, you import items as you need them and your django endpoints do not need to be classes, they can be pure functions or actual "classes" as you see fit.

    I have worked with multiple django apps (and Spring Boot concerning the other ranter) and have yet to get lost over many years.

    Even with shitty developers, it is hard to fuck up and get lost once you know how to run shit in these environments.
  • 0
    It's python like the fuck did you expect. This programming language has become a cancer on the programming world worse than (modern) JS.
    For me it falls into the category of languages that have the mantra:
    "everyone could program with this" without ever asking the question if everyone should be able to program.
  • 0
    @EdoPhoenix nah, nothing is worse than javascript
  • 0
    @iiii in JS at least my code doesn't fail because I forgot to indent a line. Whoever thought that would be a great idea for a syntax should be executed.
  • 3
    @EdoPhoenix Maybe if you usually forget to indent lines then Python's syntax is not the worst problem you have.
  • 0
    @ethernetzero I indent everything properly, currently I'm going through files of long gone coworkers who didn't bother to format their code and fix this mess, but it's still stupid that characters that are invisible are part of the syntax.
  • 0
    @EdoPhoenix I agree that it's not ideal - especially when moving your code around in your editor (scopes aren't unambiguously designated with brackets). But, using both every day, I'd definitely pick python. It's less fiddly and the open source software written in it is of a higher quality. Also, data science much? It's so easy to throw together a webapp that uses neural models using python.
  • 1
    @EdoPhoenix it's also only a problem if you use emacs. I've never seen an editor that takes such liberties with spaces vs tabs. You can't disable tabs entirely either.

    If you use vim, a space is a space and a tab's a tab. No problems.
  • 0
    @natesymer I neither use emacs or vim, VSCode is my primary choice. I don't understand why anybody still uses Emacs/vim as their main editor if so much better alternatives exist.
    I don't dabble in DataScience, although a department I work with does Machine Learning stuff and their whole dayjob is moving stuff from slow ass python to C++. It's amazing how fast a well versed python programmer can whip up a training model etc.
    But still the syntax seems so stupid to me. But maybe C# pampered me too much.
  • 0
    @EdoPhoenix I see can see that you're a hardcode Windows dev and I'm a hardcore Linux dev. Let's just agree to disagree :)

    Python isn't slow, it's just not as fast as C++. You don't get object introspection and duck typing for free... If you want a fast language, use Haskell.
  • 0
    @EdoPhoenix bitching about indentation in python is pretty dumb... Asif you do not format your code in other languages,and just mash everything together on one line with a shit ton of nested lambdas.

    Oh... Wait... That's exactly how JS generally looks.
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