
My arch broke down. I am thinking about trying a new distro, should I go for Gentoo or another arch based distro like Manjaro or antregos etc.

  • 0
    I went from Arch to Ubuntu, and I like it more now.
  • 0
    But it's just my opinion, and you will only get opinionated answers here, so you'll have to try them for yourself.
  • 1
    IMHO gentoo is fun but its just too much compiling for me, can't take that on my day to day workstation ... I would suggest you switch to ubuntu based distro if you want less hassle or stick with arch and try to figure out how to hold it stable ... anyway I switched back to win10 and use bash for windows now xD
  • 0
    FreeBSD ... And never look back. 😎
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