I was a foreign language student, but i didn't like the way my work-life was going (I had a lot of difficulties tryng to find a job).

So I decided to start programming... It appears i'm still studying "languages".

Is my life a joke?

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    Heh, at least some have very consistent and non-conflicting rules! 😁
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    Yes, a joke started by your parents. Just like the lives of everyone else.
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    @iiii you sound like you're down bro.

    If you're ever feeling particularly beat up you can message me at 1-330-730-1082. Not a scam. Not a joke. Any hour of any day. I'll *make* time for you. Maybe a lot. Maybe just a little.

    You might ask why I care.

    Don't know. Was just made that way.

    Give me a call or text if you're to the point of thinking about offing yourself, or even if you just want to shoot the shit. After all, if you're thinking of it, then you got nothing to lose anyway.

    Even if it's not that serious, just talk to people. Even if it's just "hey, what's up."

    Remember, depression is temporary bro. Never use permanent solutions to temporary problems.
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    @Wisecrack I was not saying anything about suicide. I'm far past suicidal thoughts which never actually were anything but thoughts.

    This "temporary state" spans all the time I can remember myself. 😄 At least 15 years.
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    @iiii hey it's cool man. I'm not here to call the police or some shit. You dont have to explain yourself if you dont want to.

    It's good you can even talk about it. So many people these days struggle to even open up. Gone through bouts of it myself.

    If you're not in any immediate crisis that's a relief, and if you still want to say something or even just 'hello', you got my number.
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    @Wisecrack not sure I could call that number, as it is foreign.
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    @iiii the states can be a pretty foreign place, yeah.

    If you ever change your mind about the long distance charge, I'll be here mate. Can't promise I'm much of a talker, but always good for a listen.
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    I am trying to learn foreign language also now
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    It's great that you've found programming, which is another language to master! It's not a joke at all—sometimes life paths take unexpected turns, and the skills you've gained in foreign languages can complement your programming journey. If you’re still struggling with language learning, duolingo phone number https://duolingo.pissedconsumer.com/... might be helpful to improve your experience. I recommend checking out their support for assistance at their website to get the guidance you need on language learning or other inquiries.
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