
This company's coding challenge feels like one annoying assignment.

I legit wonder if I'm doing somebody's homework. 😕

  • 5
    Possibly, the company will own the code and use it accordingly if needed

    *Looking at the fucking SQL monster I had to make for an interview*
  • 1
    If the challenge is wonky... I wonder if you could figure it out based who comes up with them?
  • 2
    @N00bPancakes I will do that right after I understood your sentence 😜
  • 2
  • 6
    Welp, it seems I'm done with it. Gonna shoot them my output and ask them if those seem ok. So I won't send them my code. And if they say it's fine, then I'll tell them I'll show then code when they invite me to interview. Lelelelel. Let's see if this is some homework or if they actually put some thought in it.
  • 2
    @Lyym Unless they enter a contractual agreement (like employment or contract work) they cannot take ownership of the code. If you provide coding examples to an employer slap a license on them.
  • 3
    @Lyym did that for some candidates. Asked them to design and document a service that we needed and present it to the team.

    The candidate that did the best got the job. They were then immediately put on that project to develop. It turned out really good since they seemed very interested and passionate about their solution.
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