Latest promoted thread on XDA to make the list:
"how to disable forced encryption".

This is from a place that tries to be innovative. I'm half expecting a thread get promoted with the title "how to give everyone your passwords/identity/credit cards".


  • 1
    It may be useful for us digital forensics folks so long as the root method doesn't interfere with the original data
  • 4
    There's a few reasons why you'd want to disable forced device encryption on android. Manufacturers tend to implement it differently, so accessing data outside of the official device ROM can be impossible if the encryption has not been accounted for.

    TWRP is one of the few recovery ROMs that can decrypt the device user data with the correct provided user credentials, but device encryption support is not present for all hardware devices. In some cases, you'll have to disable forced encryption.

    Bear in mind this is only referencing the android feature which encrypts the entire user partition, and decrypts on boot, disabling this doesn't affect normal TLS or any other form of encryption on the device.

    I'm not recommending you do it, but it has its place when playing around with root and other device modifications.
  • 0
    @bottswana, touche. I can't find anything on encryption support for kirin based devices.
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