
1 week ago my boss forced me to ship a new feature on friday afternoon. The feature broke our application for about 2 hours. After this I bought him this cup.

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    Did your boss get the message? ;)
  • 4
    One of the reasons I work for myself now. Because, I have done this to myself so I would get the joke. And most of my old bosses upon receipt of such a gift would have had a long closed door talk with me over the nature of appropriate criticism. All because, you know, most of these suits can't admit a single one of their mistakes.

    Anyway, love it. Kind of need one for myself :D
  • 7
    Yes he get it :) currently I'm reading "The Clean Coder" and now I'm feeling a bit ashamed because as a real professional I would not have shipped it 🙄
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    Professionals wouldn't exist if no one had room for improvement, just remember this experience next time :)
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    I need this
  • 7
    Easy to say, harder to follow but...
    If you're not confident enough in your validation process to deploy a Friday afternoon, your validation process isn't good enough :)

    I like to boast about it, but in my company we deploy in prod everyday, often multiple times a day. Nothing ever breaks !
  • 1
    @clay An excellent book, have a ++ and be sure to read the whole thing!
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    @Rabb thx man I really appreciate it :) I've already read the book and it's absolutely great
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