
Fucking UI designers finally broke Firefox. Border-radius infects everything.

  • 3
    I love the new design. Wouldn't wanna switch back anytime soon
  • 2
    Constant pointless UI fiddling was one of the reasons why I ditched FF. As the saying goes, idle hands are the source of evil, and it seems that Mozilla still has too much money to pay idle UI devs.

    Another plus was that I increased the diversity among FF's user base because me ditching FF raised the relative user share of Mozilla's core audience - that being black lesbian women with one leg who have been sewn to a dead elephant's back for 27 years.
  • 4
    Border radius actually has an impact on how welcomely people receive UI elements.
  • 3
    @synemeup The tab highlight box doesn't even touch the bottom of the tab bar. It's literally harder to visually identify the tab bar than ever was since the browser was created.
  • 4
    @ScriptCoded Well yeah, because repetition legitimises.
    Repetition legitimises.
    Repetition legitimises.
  • 1
    @homo-lorens Iunno. Looks cleaner to me, works well
  • 5
    Compulsively rounding every corner makes for a less expressive UI. I like border-radius in expressive key positions. Just like borders and background color changes, it is more meaningful the less you use it.
  • 1
    Wut happened?
  • 1
    @N00bPancakes border-radius and margins everywhere, nothing touches anything else anymore and nothing is a rectangle. Not an inch more convenient, considerably blander and less expressive.
  • 2
    Firefox looks pretty much the same to me
  • 2
    @N00bPancakes But we do have pretty rainbow horizontal separators.

    In the browser chrome.


    Good luck making a pretty website that doesn't look like it references the userChrome stylesheet and also doesn't conflict with the browser's UI style.
  • 1
    UI isn’t my forte so I don’t notice these details
  • 1
    Credit where credit's due, the new custom scrollbars are great though.
  • 7
    I will still stay with firefox to try to ensure we do not get another monopoly on browsers.

    I endured the last one and hated it for years.

    Competition is required so that google does not take over all control of the web.
  • 1
    No border-radius, but paddings. They are huge. Even the compact theme (which is now not officially supported anymore) is 10px higher than before.

    Another thing Firefox designers really fucked up is the absence of icons. Reading text is much harder than simply seeing the icons. Also the hidden mute button is absolutely awful UX.
  • 1
    For anyone interested, there is a pretty much fixed CSS for the new FF theme: https://github.com/black7375/...
  • 1
    @lamka02sk I don't know what kind of hidden mute button you're talking about, my mute buttons on the tab heads are plainly visible. I don't remember whether they were hidden before.
  • 1
    @homo-lorens maybe they changed it since nightly, I didn't update yet
  • 0
    @homo-lorens base
  • 0
    I got the update... I really don't mind it.
  • 0
    @ostream I'm not one of the users they want primarily. I would just ruin their diversity stats, so I help them becoming more diverse. And more irrelevant, but you know - "get woke, go broke" is a thing.
  • 0
    @ostream Mozilla aren't inclusive. They are racist and sexist assholes - only that racism is OK as long as it's against Whites or Asians, and sexism is OK as long as it's against men. That's "progressive" in a nutshell.
  • 0
    @gumPop boi do I have some news for you
  • 0
    @gumPop It is and it can. There's quite a culture around Firefox userChrome hacking. I just didn't want to spend that much time on it when we had a wonderfully expressive and compact UI already.
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