
If I ever permanently move to mac or linux.. windows will be the primary reason.

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    tbh I couldn't be happier with WSL, but I guess it's in a big part because I use the same setup for work (both programming and design) and gaming.
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    I moved back to Linux after 10 years of Win 7 because Win 10 is such a piece of shit, and I don't hang out at Starbucks' so that a Mac would be pointless.
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    Never understood why people buy those Macs. When you buy a Mac, you’re paying an extra grand for art
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    If I ever move back from M1 macs, windows on ARM will be the primary reason (lol that's not happening).
    Linux on ARM will be interesting too
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    @Fast-Nop Win 7 was ❤️
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    @TeachMeCode Not everyone understands everything. Let it be.
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    @msdsk i had high hopes for WSL and still have some. Does it have any other use apart from running bash apps in the terminal ?
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    @purist Keeping devs from changing to Linux.
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    Whenever you move, you are/will/were late
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