What if Mr. Bean was a coder?

  • 2
    He would add and subtract strings and numbers in JavaScript.
  • 4
    Mr bean will still better than those who learn how to do a hello world and immediately update their resume that they mastered that particular language.
  • 3
    At least you knew there'd be a method to his madness and things would just barely work. Which gives you minimum functionality. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 7
    Mr.Bean use java programming language because of "bean".
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    @mr-user with netbean?
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    He'd create a text to speech software without voice and it will still be great.
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    If mr bean were a coder he would be right here talking about how good being a full stack node dev is.
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    I worked with a "Mr Bean".

    Not fun, at all.

    Absentmindedness is only clever when you aren't on the receiving end of it.
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    He is. And we all have used software made by him.
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