Ok. Yesterday I finished building my compiler I have to say: it was a pretty darn big thing with 7000 Lines of code.

I did it alone and with almost no help.

I wanted to give some advice in case someone wants to program a compiler. I knaw its useless in times of lex and yacc, but anyway.

-have a good idea for the language
-learn about parser/lexer
-learn assembler
-do it like me: output the assembler to a file and let it assemble/link by the linux standart-tools (call the commands)
-Have fun. Fun is essential in coding

I hope I was able to help people who want to build a compiler alone... Yau can always ask questions ;~)

  • 4
    Nice job! I recently wanted to make a compiler, but a challenging one, so I set out to make an HTML compiler.

    It actually works and handles unclosed tags, attributes, etc. 😀
  • 1
    Wow, nice job! For which language does it works? And how much time did it take you to write it?
  • 2
    @leolas95 I wrote it for a self-designed language. Gercompiler xD

    It took 4 Months
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