
I am currently a freelancer and I get most of my work from forums and existing clients. I never had any success at those freelancing websites which basically devalue the developers.

How does it work for you? How do you get your work?

  • 1
    Few weeks ago, I had the same question and someone over here advise that they get jobs from LinkedIn.
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    Just Don't. Being a Freelancer tell your clients to spread your name.have a logo or tag that links back to you. And for fuck sake don't devalue yourself on such stupid scam sites
  • 2
    Create your own freelancing site that never devalue you...
  • 2
    @coldfire So, basically you want me to make a brand? More like a web studio, correct?
  • 2
    Most of freelancing sites are flooded with cheap oversees labor, but a lot of them suck at communication and don't know what they're doing.

    If you find projects in your area, people will pay big money for clear communication, and being able to have face-to-face meetings.
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