
Is git really useful?

  • 17
    Any source control is useful.
    Whether you code alone or in a team, it's a project saver being able to branch code.
  • 0
    @viking8 Is that I'm not understanding too much how it works and why it'd be better to know how to use it. Don't know, maybe I'm not that experienced or whatever...
  • 3
    @d3vcho learn git, learn life.
  • 5
    @d3vcho git is probably the best you get in source control.

    To understand the basics, there are tutorials, but the best learning is practice.

    Use a gui if you are not comfortable with commands. Maybe SourceTree?

    Make a repository. Add a file, commit. Change it, undo your change. Branch it, make a change, commit. Return to main branch, you are back to your initial file. Branch this again, make a change and commit.

    You now have three versions of that file. Imagine those branches are different features you want to add to your application, the main one would be what you make public/release. The others you can merge in as you finish them, or leave them be if you don't want to add that feature yet. Maybe they are just experiments that will never see the light of day. Anyways, you can switch branches as you wish so you never f up your release branch.
  • 8
    Imagine you overwrote a file last week that you needed for today's presentation at work. No git = maybe lose job. Git = going back to the commit and copy previous file.
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    @ScribeOfGoD That's a good point... :)
  • 17
    Git is what separates us from the apes.
  • 2
    Any one else seen the people saying they use time machine for source control :)
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    If you don't use version control, sooner or later you will learn about its usefulness the hard way.

    http://hginit.com/ is a good introduction. It's about Mercurial, but the concepts are the same as for Git.

    IMHO, Git adds unnecessary confusion and noise to the process compared to Mercurial, but since all the cool stuff is on GitHub, you need to learn Git.
  • 1
    YES. Couldn't stress enough.
  • 0
    Git gud.
  • 2
    GitKraken <3
  • 3
    Yes as far as i know nobody uses git fully. Most stick with the basics like branches and reverting to older commits to recover files. Branches are great for testing out an idea without having to undo your changes manually. While the same can be done by not commiting your changes until your finished I don't recomend it by any means cause if your hdd or ssd fails you will be out of work that should have been commited and pushed somewhere to protect your work, which as far as i know other vcs promote but somebody can correct me here since i haven't used all vcs since git has pretty much became the standard
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    Git it's one of those things that after you learn it, it becomes a habit and your nature to use it. Addicted, one would say.
  • 2
    At some point you'll rm -rf * in the wrong place and realise it's worthwhile.
  • 1
    I didn't really think git was useful until i tried it, started learning git cmd, was a bit hard to understand.

    Then i got my github education pack which introduced me to GitKraken (Free, but i got Pro from education pack) and now i can't live without git.

    So yes.

    A strong definite YES.
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