
Hold yourself, this may be controversial.


I prefer to write CSS by hand instead of using a framework like Bootstrap because at least I know the way I'm fucking up my page layout.


I am gonna hide under a blanket now.

  • 1
    Isn't bootstrap 5 more utility based so the problem's kinda gone?
  • 5
    Don't hide. Walk with head held high
  • 3
    I admire that- fuck plugins btw
  • 4
    This is a very !important rant.
  • 4
    I think Boostrap 5 kind of doing a tailwind thing
  • 2
  • 5
    When I was a kiddu I used to take some websites screenshot then I'd start to build them from scratch. That's how I learnt plain css. It was really funny.

    Yes, with media queries by hand.
  • 2
    No controvery here. CSS frameworks suck.
  • 1
  • 1
    I Love Bootstrap. After Bootstrap 4 it was very easy to design web page with it.

    Either you don't know how to use it properly or maybe your design is like that it is good with custom css

    yeah better hide under the blanket. Don't come out :)
  • 1
    -"this may be controversial."
    I thought you were going to write a whole fanfic about CSS frameworks.
  • 1
    @rox79 am of the opinion that bootstrap is single handedly responsible for the death of creativity in web design, what happened to all those cool css design tricks that made you wanna reload a site a million times. Not with bootstrap everything is so similar , the only thing that differentiates websites nowadays in color. Fucking frameworks
  • 1
    I also prefer actually knowing CSS instead of hiding behind a library
  • 3
    Me learning socket i/o: look mom! I learned to use select() !
    Mom: Oh sweetie, we use poll() now.
    Me 3 days later: Mother! Look at my poll() ! It works!
    Mom: Why are you always lagging behind? We epoll() now.
    Me: aight.
    Eons later.
    Me: Hey mom, epoll was easy as fuck. I'm a grown man now!
    Mom: You little shit! You new dad Mac likes kqueue(). So get used to that.
    Me: Well fuck. I'll learn it too I guess.
    Mom: Why can't you be more like your new dad's son and use libuv or libevent or libev?
    Me: What about AIO?
    Mom: I knew there was something wrong with you. I should have aborted you, devil child. I am moving in with your new dad. Don't bother contacting us.
    Me: *fumbling through documentation* wait mom, I'll just use pthreads!
    Mom: How will you serve all the guests at my wedding, you retard? That's it. I'm leaving you right now.

    The house is empty and cold. Only the sound of my 6 core Intel CPU cores keep me warm. I wait for the inevitable blaze that will fuse us together.
  • 1
    @AshesOfTheSun Meant to post it as a rant. I guess I am retarded.
  • 0
    May I ask kind mods to repost my comment as a new rant?
  • 0
    @EpicofGilgamesh I worked under strict deadlines. Can't imagine creating grid and classes by myself and responsive too :( This take hell lot of time and even if I do ultimately I will end up creating my own css file and that too will meet to bootstrap :P
  • 1
    @rox79 by all means do what you gotta do, am just pointing out the cons
  • 0
    I like to use water.css
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