When Facebook launched an all-out battle against Apple last year, little did they know that the war would be two-fronts.

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    So when are they going to allow me to uninstall apps that aren't system apps.

    Like Facebook...
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    @sariel Google allows you to uninstall facebook, your phone manufacturer however may not. (Samsung is one of the manufacturers who made a deal with facebook to make it impossible to uninstall the (cr)app (most phones run modified versions of android with tons of garbage)
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    @ItsNotMyFault that's also due in-part to the license agreement that Google provides.

    They could easily force the hand, but Google would never bite the hand that feeds them.
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    I am fine with tracking as long as their services are free.
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    @theabbie I'm also okay with criminals as long as they don't kill me... SMH
    Tracking is one thing and tracking without consent is another.
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    @GiddyNaya That's dumb analogy, Better would be, I am fine with criminals as long as they help me while I don't call the police.

    Ads and tracking are not a crime, and definitely not wrong since you signed up for it.
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    @theabbie Lol... Dude there is something called user privacy.
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    @GiddyNaya Privacy is a choice, and it's not free, you can expect it but you do click on "accept TOS" without reading, so, it's not for you anyways.
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    @theabbie Can you point on their TOS where it's stated that you will be tracked after sign up?
    Don't mix up advertising with tracking... They are two separate thing. Go ask DuckDuckGo.
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    @GiddyNaya I didn't read it either, if you're so sure it doesn't say that, it would be a criminal offence, want to get some free money? Sue the hell out of them, also be ready to get Sued for defamation if it does say that.

    I don't expect privacy because I am not paying for it, I definitely would expect it if I was paying.
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    @theabbie You're are really funny. Your time has worth and that is your payment on the platform. They sell your time to others in need of it and get cash money value in return. Only short sighted users won't see from that perspective.
    So you have the right to make complaint as a user if they aren't selling your time the right way like they would if you aren't using their platform the right way.
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    @GiddyNaya I am not selling them my time, I am just using them for my entertainment and they are using me.

    They could do clean advertising and show same crap to everyone, but, that's pretty useless when you have tonnes of data about the user.

    They should make it more obvious what they are doing, in case, someone is willing to trade privacy for free service.
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    @theabbie There is no issue with FB making money from data mining trackers. In fact getting lots of details about your users allows you provide a better experience, that's undisputable but if at any point in time they need information from their user which seems private, first they're to let them know, get their consent then proceed. Any method other than that is a breach of privacy.

    That's the whole reason Google and Apple are making things difficult for such companies because they aren't doing the right thing.
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    @theabbie ❤️❤️❤️finally someone that says it as it is. Free services come at a cost that is tracking. And if you don't like that you should use alternatives or not use such services at all.
    Expecting free services without your data being the product is like wanting an option to not pay in E-Commerce.
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    I knew apple's sudden focus on privacy had some reason related to money and control.

    They have awesome marketing though, fucking apple fan boys started saying on iOS cares about the user snd whatever.
    It's all bullshit.
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