This world really hands you jack all. And everytime it's going well it smack you down just for good measure. What people say is mostly meaningless. "Oh I stand for this and that", yeah I saw that when you did the exact opposite while fucking me over like im not worthy of being treated like a human

Hey, at least it's a nice serving of reality for a naive fool like me. "Never expect anything nice from anyone": Noted

  • 1
    Peeps are just adaptive assholes who will act at their own interest. Benevolence is a sign of power of the benevolent. Most cannot afford benevolence.
  • 3
    I used to be a nicer person. Corona and corporate fucked me too. Not that nice anymore. I hate this. I am not rude to people and all, I just feel that I am not that kind anymore.
  • 1
    @Cyanide so you've become an adult, I guess.
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