
Am I the only one thinking that VR is just a fad destined to die out in silence like 3D movies ?

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    What are the practical applications of 3D movies though, many industries could benefit from having VR technologies.
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    Have you tried a vive or have you just experienced those shitty smartphone VR headsets. I have a vive and i use it all the time.
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    @jakej5 not false. What industries do you have in mind?
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    @gummy medical. Can you imagine loading a person's brain image, loading it in VR and allowing them to walk threw it and find what they need?
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    I don't agree. I do think there might be more augmented reality development than full, immersive VR in the coming years - medical, mechanical, manufacturing... other 'm' words...
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    Vr is here to stay.
    But it is in its infancy right now.
    The displays need 8k+ resolution so that no pixels are visable. Which will need more graphics power. And movie and game makers have to learn how to deal with the added complexity in storytelling.

    But the real winner will be augmented reality, because of the social component. With AR you can interact with friends face to face. Wheras in VR you are on your own.

    I've read that IMAX opened its first VR cinema in san francisco and will open more around the world.
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    @heyheni If AR is the real deal here, why were the google glasses cancelled? That was really dope and had real world opportunities... still don't understand that
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    @gummy google glass promised to much and the goggles are way to intrusive and still not socially accepted.

    The first mass used applience of AR will be car windshields I think. After the iphone brings it into the hands of the consumers.
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    Personally, I just want a VR headset so I can use it in place of several monitors...
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