I feel like I need a shower after looking at this 💀🚿

  • 0
  • 11
    I'm okay with this compromise.
  • 2
    Seems legit ahah
  • 4
    Haha, I have to commit a small function indented like this at work one day just for shits and giggles :)
  • 1
    Although you have so many semicolons, 4 essential semicolons are missing after the 4 statements
  • 2
    Hey, if it compiles...
  • 0
    that's legit disturbing tbh
  • 3
    @akash7 they would be missing if the lines after them were not "indented" and they obviously thought about that because the last line is "indented" even though it shouldn't be, but it wouldn't compile without "indentation" or a semicolon after the last statement.
  • 0
    Will those semicolons be ignored by the compiler? Otherwise I'd think this could make a huge codebase a tiny bit slower
  • 6
    @stimulate well the idea is there's nothing to compile in between the ;; so the compiler carries on till it finds an instruction
  • 1
    Ok so it doesn't matter.
  • 1
    @XiovV I quickly scrolled through the comments, hoping no one stole this joke :(
  • 0
    I think I'll do this from now onwards, yes.
  • 1
    Anybody lose a semicolon? I think we found where they are hiding...
  • 0
    @FuzzDistor best comment so far 😂 😂 😂
  • 0
    This is hilarious
    I love it so much
  • 0
    @akash7 nah, they are not, they are on the next line. The rest is just empty statements. Welcome to C
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