Who is using Hungarian notation for js?

  • 3
    Not me, but I guess it'd make sense and could probably help reduce confusion in many places. Well written code usually make it pretty clear what type a variable has though. As for me, I usually use TypeScript, so it kind of eliminates the need.
  • 4
    Nah, I am fine. Tell me when there’s an Indian one.
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    @BobbyTables isnt that camel case ?
  • 3
    @MadMadMadMrMim Strictly speaking, yes the subset of examples I provided could be classified as camel case.

    But they are also examples of Hungarian notation.
  • 1
    Hungarian notation is a fucking abomination
  • 1
    I think Hungarian notation *can* be useful, if you encode the purpose of a variable in its name instead of the type.

    But in that case, I’m not sure it qualifies as Hungarian notation anymore.

    The typical form for Hungarian notation though, is useless. Your compiler/IDE can give you that information, so it just ends up being line noise.
  • 1
    I'm European. The word "Hungary" makes me a bit sad.
  • 0
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    @blindXfish Recent events. Do you follow the news?
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