Random guy: Hey you're from Mexico ! Let's party and drink Tequila, let's go for Mamacitas !!!

Me: no, I have to work!

Random guy: come on you Mexicans don't work, and always wears a Zarape !

Me: Come on man ! It's fucking 21th century !!! You can't think that way ! I don't fucking wear a Zarape, I don't like Tequila and for the love of God is so wrong to call women "Mamacitas"

  • 1
    This is sad :(
  • 2
    Fecking prejudicial tosser. How about reading a book about Mexico and not assume the following:

    1. Everyone in Mexico drinks tequila.
    2. Everyone in Mexico speaks Spanish.
    3. Everyone in Mexico is a descendant of someone from Spain.

    For all the fecking technology we have - you'd think people would actually take the time to learn.
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