Who can relate lol?

  • 1
    Hmm somebody explain xD
  • 1
    I don't or I don't get the picture
  • 9
    The less work he has to do the more free time he has (which is why he is cleaner). Yet the less work he has the harder he has to try to find work again (hence dressing more and more nicely)
  • 4
    If I understand this picture correctly it means that programmers don't GAF about how they dress when they're working; they just want to wear what'll give them the most comfort when they're on that 10 hour coding binge - usually scruffy with jersey and jeans.

    When they're unemployed, however, they have to dress decently and clean up so that they can impress a potential employer, get a job, then go back to how they're most comfortable.

    At least that's how I operate.
  • 4
    @kshep92 but he looks happier the more he loses his job
  • 2
    He has to look put together :o
  • 2
    @telegraham there's that fake grin you do at job interviews to hide the fact that you have no soul; it's not on the ad, but employers prefer someone with a soul so they can suck it dry.
  • 0
    --You git m on this one total = true (};
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