
Finally I have Ubuntu and can't get enough fell in love!!!!!! 😍😍😍

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    Have you tried Windows?
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    @tommy over 18 years
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    LOL im gonna try RemixOS soon, i want something simpler too
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    If u like ubuntu try elementary os its ubuntu based :)
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    @mtcool112 thank you, but first I must get "warm" with Ubuntu :)
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    Welcome to my world! πŸ˜‰
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    I like elementary @mtcool112 but im going with RemixOS because they are interested in making hardware too, but more importantly they are releasing "continuum software" in a few months so that means every new Android phone will be a plug-and-play computer !!
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    Lol tried different desktops and on one Ubuntu desktop I couldn't find any button for logout/shutdown xD
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    For what device?
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    @Todday an older notebook
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    @jakobev Antergos with KDE desktop environment ;)
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    Yesterday I have installed redhat and experience is amazing. Try that once, I think you will like it!
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    Yeah it's weekend in a few hours and then I'll have sex with Linux ohhh yeah
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    Welcome to the salvation, brother!

    Fist thing to do on Ubuntu is to flee from Ubuntus desktop environment "unity" ASAP. I'd recommend "gnome-shell" for beginners and "i3" for hack0rs. If you are looking for something more windows themed "MATE" and "Cinnamon" might be interesting for u too.

    Once u get used to Linux, you probably want to get away from Ubuntu as a professional. So I'd recommend Debian or if you really want to waste hours and hours on installing and maintaining your system try Arch Linux, my current distro.
    As a rule of thumb: The less the system initially does for you the more you learn about Linux. ☺️
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    @senci I'll check that later!
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    Just figured out that my Ubuntu doesn't boot without network connection.. Anyone know how to resolve?
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    @jakobev visit/google your problem with machine model number on askubuntu.com πŸ™„πŸ˜
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