
Regular Person = Regular Person;
Regular Person + Google = Hackerman;

Why are people so lazy they can't google their problem before calling help desk?

I hate mental lazyness!

  • 2
    It's simple, really. Google has too many information. You (me and a lot of us) know what to look, where and pretty much how. You already have the knowledge of the basic stuff and you need the specifics for the exact problem to solve it.

    They do not have the experience. Simple as that. Knowledge can be found in Google but it cannot be filtered to the exact problem they had. In simple terms, they don't know what to search.

    Next time, tell them what did you think when you encounter this problem they mentioned and what did you search. I have done it in previous work to people totally unaware of computer logic (only basic users, really) and they appreciated it and next time they mentioned more specific problems that were hard to solve. The easy they solve them themselves.

    Just saying...
  • 1
    Yeah, I guess you are right, but it is so frustrating that I'm dealing for complex problems and the someone interrupts me and ask me about vlookup in excel...
    I just googled in front of them how to use vlookup, learned how to use it and then explained to them...But yes, I have the principles and they not.
  • 0
    Yes you are right... But that regular person is the one because of whom we get paid
  • 1
    @cooldd007 I don't think so, we get paid because we have specialized knowledge you cannot reach so easily on internet or you have to have some principles as @lostinmyworld said
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