Do you know what i hate most?

... commented old code!

What is the fucking purpose to comment old code IF YOU ARE USING A VERSION CONTROL SYSTEM?????

Commented old code is shit, because it fucks the readibility! I saw entire class full of this shit!


  • 4
    You mean code that is commented out, don't you?
    Cause most of us would be thankful for comments in legacy code.😁
  • 3
    I have found "if(false)" in old code. So...if it was commented I would be grateful!

    Just mentioning the one time I would prefer old commented code.
  • 2
    Sometimes the commented code contains very important function or test code or demo code for some function written above like how to use it or something and its like gold mine. Finding that exact piece in git history impossible if someone else has written or pushed to git. And when your code is 3 4 years old handled by 100 of engineers imagine its history.
  • 1
    +1 for the comment about helpful code. Digging through version control history can be painful.

    Though I do agree that at some point it should go away....Just maybe a version or two later it should be cleaned up
  • 0
    Use a Editor that can collapse Multi Line comments....
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