Anyone else spend way too much of their day sending old email attachments to people who don't know how to use the basic search functions in their email client? Seriously if my coworkers just learn how to search for emails with attachments they'd be so much more productive. And if they filtered by name too, hoo boy.

  • 1
    Wait, you can filter by attachments... I have to try this dark magic.

    Woah, you can do this. lol, right in front of me the whole time.
  • 0
    Why are you even sending important stuff as attachments? Shouldn't there be a file server for that?
  • 0
    @iiii months late on this reply but this email issue is bugging me again and I figure I'll just liven up an old rant rather than another new rant about email. Yes, we have SharePoint and bitbucket and Teams and network drives, but no agreement on how to centralize it all and of course people only use what they know, so everyone usually says "send me the file in an email" otherwise you'll spend all day tracking down the right repository.
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