Whenever im programming in Python it seems like my finger naturally presses the semicolon key after any statement😂

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    Welcome to freedom
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    Python is extemely fast to wrote just so you can make a maximum amount of bugs in minimal time 😂

    Recently I made an IoT demonstrator device which had the main logic developed with Python, some of the logging features with PHP, client side logic in C# and some interfaces with C++. And to make things even worse, it was coded with a single laptop screen.

    Most horrendous debugging experience ever. Eventually I managed by configuring every platform editor background in different color, so I wouldn't continue typing Python code in the PHP project etc.
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    @Belzeburger that's why you should use TDD for writing anything more than simple prototypes in Python. Or at least pytest for some UTs testing key functionality, you don't have compile time check so you have to be extra careful...
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    @Dorrin Our development methodology is usually PDD (panic driven development).

    It contains intensive last minute development sprints that are followed by holding the breath and just hoping that everything stays stable enough for the demonstrator presentation.

    Testing is achieved by exposing humans to the code. The assertion is that nobody dies. The development is continued until this goal is reached or we run out of developers.

    And once the presentation is over, code base is placed into archive and it will mature in the darkness for at least couple of years. Code base is taken out of the archive for copy-pasting only if someone just happens to stumble upon the original source code.
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